Tweede album voor Connie Constance

In opvolging van haar prima debuut 'English Rose' brengt ze binnenkort 'Miss Power' uit.

In mei maakte Connie Constance voor het eerst sinds haar debuutplaat opnieuw haar opwachting met de titeltrack van haar aankomende album. Nu is er een puike, dansbare tweede single: Till The World's Awake.

Zelf zegt ze dit over de nieuwe track: “The beast, The Party, The anthem. Day one of this saturated over stimulating world and everything feels possible. For the most part this song for me was just the indie dance single of my dreams, since writing it it has taken on a whole other meaning. It's truly a letter to the universe, to what some people may call God, others Allah, and so on. It's a song that says thank you for looking out for me, thank you for the chance of making my dreams a reality, and thank you for the beautiful people that you have kept around me.”

"When I think of the minority communities that I live and love within in the UK, it feels like an empowering message that no matter how much the world we live in tries to distract us from our power, make us feel small or as if we don't fit in… it cannot take away from us the work we have done and who we are when we are together building our own opportunities amongst one another and shaping our own realities. “I know that we’ve got enough love to give away, and they cannot replace all the moves we’ve made, and all the nights we’ve stayed up till the worlds awake”. We have to work extra hard to be understood, but we will be, and until the worlds awake we have each other and no one can take that from us.”

Mooie woorden, maar er kan dus ook gewoon gedanst worden op Till The World's Awake, voortgestuwd door zijn stevige twaalfcilindermotor aan drums (zoals ook al het geval was met de eerste single), euforisch klinkende synths en positieve tekst, gezongen door een artieste op de top van haar kunnen.

'Miss Power' komt uit op 4 november via Play It Again Sam. Dit is de tracklist:

  1. In The Beginning
  2. Till The World’s Awake
  3. Miss Power
  4. Never Get To Love
  5. Mood Hoover
  6. Heavyweight Champion
  7. Hurt You
  8. Kamikaze
  9. Home
  10. YUCK!
  11. Blank Canvas
  12. Red Flag


28 juli 2022
Marc Alenus