Grandaddy op zoek naar bisons op de prairie

Onze indie-rock helden, Grandaddy zijn terug en ze klinken weer geweldig.

Vorig jaar brachten Jason Lytle en zijn mannen ‘Last Place’ uit, een album dat na tien jaar pauze en wat reünieconcerten de definitieve terugkeer betekende voor Grandaddy.

En de band is nog niet uitgezongen. Bison On The Plains biedt een eerste glimp op wat de band in zijn mouw heeft zitten voor de toekomst, al begon Lytle reeds te schrijven aan de song in de periode voor ‘Last Place’, zo blijkt uit het statement dat hij bij de track bracht. Je kan die hieronder lezen en uiteraard kan je ook van de track zelf genieten. Ogen toe en dromen maar van weidse prairies:

Over de single zegt Jason Lytle:

“Setting out with the intent of replicating the 'feel and vibe' of  the song 'Drive' which is one of my favorite Cars song's ...I got a little of the way into "Bison on the Plains" (BOTP) and realized I had failed.I blamed the lame new spot I had set up my studio in Portland Oregon. In the basement of some super pretentious magazine lured by cheap rent....I just really was not feeling it.

I stopped working on BOTP  and cursed my new studio location and immediately began disassembling everything ...eventually moving out and setting up all my gear in the living room of my little house in Portland. A recent divorce and a purging of all domestic belongings/furniture made setting up all of my gear easy and convenient. This location also ended up being where I wrote and recorded most of  Last Place the most recent
Grandaddy album.

Anyways...I thought BOTP might make the cut for Last Place but it did not. Apparently it still had some baggage carried over from whence it came. I loved the words though...and didn't want to give up on it simply got shelved in  some incomplete form until I could come back and spend some more thoughtful time with it. So here it is.

It sounds as if the words are about the melodramatic lengths I go to... and methods I employ... to frame an image in a song. Almost jokingly. But respectfully.

Like all of the noises, sound samples, buttons, keys, circuits, wires, strings, and gear it takes  for  someone like me to facilitate the lonely looking image of a solitary bison standing out on the open plains.

I have no regrets of being a songwriter that cannot simply just pull this off with an acoustic guitar and some lyrics. I need my" tricks of the trade."

Anyway.. Im just relieved I got the song out of that dank basement and out into the light.

Enjoy, J”

19 november 2018
Marc Alenus