Aldous Harding gaat voor 'Warm Chris'

Haar nieuwe album verschijnt op 25 maart via 4AD.

Aldous Harding nam de nieuwe plaat, 'Warm Chris' getiteld, net als de voorganger 'Designer', op met John Parish. 

"Listening back, it sounds to me like there's something completely new happening with my voice. The vocals are tiny. I won't try to speak about sound too much, because it's here, and I don't want to ruin or create a surprise. It reminds me personally/musically of a large horse trying to keep up with a train", zei Harding in een interview met BBC Radio 6. 

De vooruitgeschoven single heet Lawn met bijhorende videoclip, geregisseerd door Harding en Martin Sagadin, kan je hieronder bekijken. "This video is pretty luxurious for me, but that's what I saw when I shut my eyes and said 'Show me,' that sort of thing. So that's what we made", zegt Harding over de video. "Turns out it was just the thing. Music's wonderful that way.

13 januari 2022
Patrick Van Gestel