Vijftig jaar Motörhead ingezet met reeks heruitgaves

En daar blijft het echt niet bij.

Motörhead viert haar gouden jubileum in 2025. Dat wordt gevierd met een reeks (her)uitgaves en events. Dan gaat het met name over de "50th anniversary, limited vinyl editions" van Motörhead-albums 'Overkill', 'Bomber' en 'Ace Of Spades' als "half speed masters" op speciale gekleurde versies met poster. Deze reeks komt eraan op 28 februari. Maar er is nog meer. Zo wordt er in mei iets speciaals verwacht.

"It's incredible to know that our music, and all it stands for, continues to resonate with so many people", zegt gitarist Phil Campbell. "Of course we're enormously grateful to still be appreciated like we are, and truthfully, the music remains as vital and important as ever because there's a unique energy and honesty to it that we will all always need."

"It's a remarkable story, the connection we have with our fans can only be described as family and it's so exciting to see the family still growing", vult Mikkey Dee aan. "But it also makes sense, because people know who we are and what the music is about. Motörhead has always stood for doing it OUR way, it's timeless, and continues to inspire people to take that path."


25 januari 2025
Patrick Van Gestel