Twintig jaar Red Fang

De feestelijkheden worden op gang getrapt op 14 maart.

Twintig jaar Red Fang

Red Fang bestaat twee decennia. En dat wordt gevierd. In eerste instantie met de release van 'Deep Cuts', een verzamelaar met zesentwintig non-album tracks, covers en nooit gereleasete singles.
Een eerste voorsmaakje krijg je in de vorm van onderstaande single, een track uit de deluxe versie van 'Whales And Leeches'. "I remember really liking the melancholic vibe of It's Always There, but Aaron and I had no vocal ideas coming to mind," herinnert Bryan Giles zich. "When I lived in San Diego, I became friendly with Pall Jenkins, and was always a fan of Three mile Pilot and The Black Heart Procession, so it was exciting for me to enlist his help bringing the song to life. I think he did a really beautiful job on it!"

Covers zijn er onder meer van The Wipers' Over The Edge en Tubeway Army's Listen To Sirens, evenals nummers als Antidote (uit de mobile game 'Red Fang: Headbang!') en de demo van Wires.

"Perhaps unremarkable to anyone else, it's fucking amazing to me that we have made it TWENTY YEARS," laat Aaron Beam weten. "Before we started jamming in John Sherman's basement, I'd already been in forty (maybe more!) bands, none of which lasted more than a year or two. Yet somehow in 2005, for the first time since probably 1987 I found myself without any band to play in. It turned out this was also true of John, David, and Bryan! So it was only natural that we'd start playing together".

2 februari 2025
Patrick Van Gestel