Throwing Muses keren terug

Na zeven jaar brengt de band rond Kristin Hersh een nieuw album uit.

Op 4 september is het zover. Dan verschijnt 'Sun Racket', het tiende album van Throwing Muses via Fire Records. Oorspronkelijk werd de groep in de eighties opgericht. Tegenwoordig bestaat de line-up naast Hersh nog uit drummer David Narcizo en bassist Bernard Georges en dat al sinds de jaren negentig.

“'Sun Racket' has always been geographical. A transplanted southerner in New England crash landing in California. A West Coast sound at New England scale, dragged back down to the south where the elements got more aggressive but now with deeper roots”, legt Narcizo uit. En Hersh vult aan: "All it asked of us was to commingle two completely disparate sonic vocabularies: one heavy noise, the other delicate music box. Turns out we didn’t have to do much. Sun Racket knew what it was doing and pushed us aside, which is always best. After 30 years of playing together, we trust each other implicitly but we trust the music more."

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31 maart 2020
Patrick Van Gestel