Shinedown geeft voorprogramma “insanely generous gift”

Dinosaur Pile-Up kwam in de VS voor een verrassing te staan net voor ze aan hun show begonnen.

De Engelse band speelde in het voorprogramma van Shinedown en moest het stellen met een compleet versleten backdrop, die letterlijk uit elkaar viel. Gezien de prijs, die aan zo'n backdrop hangt, hadden ze besloten om toch met de kapotte backdrop door te gaan. Maar dat was zonder de hoofdact gerekend.

Toen ze op het podium kwamen, verontschuldigde Dinosaur Pile-Up zich voor de lamentabele toestand van het doek. Plotseling viel dan het versleten exemplaar naar beneden om een nieuwe versie te tonen, die het hele podium bestreek. Shinedown had die voor hen gekocht en laten installeren zonder dat ze op de hoogte waren.

Toen Dinosaur Pile-Up hen daarvoor wilde danken, was de enige reactie dat, eens zij even succesvol waren als Shinedown, zij misschien wel hetzelfde zouden doen met hun voorprogramma.

Muziek verzacht de zeden, toch?

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Yo. This is important. There is so much more happening in this video than it appears✨ What you can see is us up on stage last night in Phoenix AZ playing maybe our 300th show or more with our tiny battered backdrop, that was so torn up we couldn’t even hang it up anymore (so we just threw it over our amps) and a new, much larger backdrop being revealed behind us. That larger backdrop, was paid for, delivered and set up on stage - all without our knowledge - by @shinedown, as a gift. You should know; backdrops are EXTREMELY expensive and there is no way we could have afforded a new one, especially of this size, for the foreseeable future. We’d therefor decided that we’d just keep rocking our little beat up one until it literally fell apart✨ What you can’t see in this video, is us being taught what it is to be a truly great band, and that being a truly great band begins with music and genre, but in the end surpasses them both and comes to rest in your actions as people. When we went to find Brent, Barry, Eric and Zach after the show to thank them for their insanely generous gift, they said they didn’t want our thanks, and that they just wanted us to have success of our own, and that when we did get that success - we would pay it forward and help someone else out that needed it, as they’d helped us out, and as they’d experienced in their own journey to where they are now. In all of our 12 years of touring in DPU, we have never experienced generosity from a headlining band like this. That is what you can’t see in this video. Something far more valuable than just an insanely generous gift. A shining example of what it is to be truly great. So, to Brent, Barry, Eric, Zach and their amazing crew; from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. For truly leading by example, and for helping us out. We promise to pay it forward. Matt, Mike and Jim. XXX ?￰゚ルマ? @thebrentsmith @bkerchofficial @ebassprod @zmyersofficial

Een bericht gedeeld door DINOSAUR PILE-UP (@dpuofficial) op

Foto: Sanjay Parikh (Atlantic Records)

24 juli 2019
Patrick Van Gestel