King's X keert terug

Veertien jaar na 'XV' maakte de band een nieuwe studioplaat.

Doug Pinnick, Ty Tabor en Jerry Gaskill, King's X dus, brengen 'Three Sides Of One', het dertiende studioalbum uit op 2 september. Let It Rain is de eerste track uit de plaat, die wordt vrijgegeven.

Over dat album zegt Pinnick: "When I think of it, King's X feels like a couple of old best friends coming together, shooting the shit, and having a good time, it's instinctual. When I would listen to demo tapes of Jerry and Ty for the record, it gave me a great perspective on how blessed I am to be in King's X. What they did on Three Sides of One sounded so good. For as familiar as it is, it's like I'm in a new band." Tabor voegt daaraan toe: "This time, we sat around, listened to each other's ideas, and would collectively say, 'Let's work on that'. It was the most enjoyable album I've personally ever recorded in my entire life, period." En Gaskill rondt af: "I'll cherish what we did in my heart forever. Everything lined up perfectly."

De plaat werd opgenomen in de Black Sound Studio in Pasadena, CA met producer Michael Parnin. Op 30 september stelt de band de plaat voor in Biebob, Vosselaar.

27 juni 2022
Patrick Van Gestel