Flotsam And Jetsam thrashen weer

De band liet een nieuw nummer los op de wereld.

Op 4 juni verschijnt het nieuwe album van Flotsam And Jetsam. 'Blood In The Water' is de opvolger van 'The End Of Chaos' uit 2019. Burn The Sky, dat je hieronder kan beluisteren, is de vooruitgeschoven single.

Frontman Eric A.K.zegt over deze song: "While we were in the process of selecting which songs we would use for the album's videos, Burn The Sky was the only one that was on everyone's lists consistently. This track has some guitar work by Mike and Steve that are second to none." Gitarist Michael Gilbert voegde daar nog aan toe: "I don’t want anyone feeling we are getting fucking old. As long as we continue doing this, we are gonna bring it. Our sound changed through the years influenced by many factors, but what you are listening to now is who we are and will continue to be."

13 april 2021
Patrick Van Gestel