#MarrKiest - Iggy & the Stooges - Gimme Danger” (1973)

In de vakantie mag het tempo ietsje losser en maken we graag gebruik van andere bronnen. Daarom mag ex-Smith Johnny Marr zijn favoriete platen aanprijzen, zoals hij dat in een recente Record Collector deed.
Ondanks alle keuzestress beschouwt Johnny Marr 'Raw Power' toch als zijn echte favoriete plaat. Volgens hem moet je al een keikop zijn, wil je een beter voorbeeld vinden dat rock-‘n-roll treffender beschrijft. En dat is zelfs voor je een noot muziek gehoord hebt, want één blik op de hoes en je ziet en proeft het onwereldse, gevaarlijke, seksuele en potentieel gewelddadige.
Als tiener wou je dit per se hebben: “ Before I bought 'Raw Power' I had written a song that I was playing around my friend Billy Duffy’s house (The Cult) and he said to me: ‘Oh, that sounds like Gimme Danger’ and I didn’t know what he was talking about. A few days later I was playing it again and he said the same thing and it pissed me off because I didn’t want to know that this song I was really proud of writing had been written by somebody else who I didn’t even know about. But Duffy kept repeating: ‘No really, you play just like James Williamson’. I thought I would be the judge of that so I bought it and when I got the record out the first thing I played was Gimme Danger and I was amazed and a bit freaked out. I suddenly felt like I had discovered some brothers that I didn’t know I had who were showing me the way forward if I had the balls to go there because it was so illicit and dark and dangerous and alluring. It was genuinely edgy and it still is."
Naar dat gevoel ging Marr terug, toen hij Never Had No One Ever van 'The Queen Is Dead' schreef en als je goed luistert, hoor je de invloed: “It was tapping into that feeling that I had, It reminded me of listening to 'Raw Power' for the first time. I wanted our fans to experience that feeling listening to our album.”