#MarrGuitarKing - Beck - Milk & Honey (1999)
Ach wat, Johnny Marr is een bezige bij gebleven, waardoor we er nog een weekje gitaristieke en compositorische hand- en spandiensten aan toevoegen.
Beck Hansen polste Johnny Marr in 1999 om mee te spelen op funkplaat 'Midnite Vultures' en dat gebeurde op twee songs, waarvan er maar één echt is uitgekomen, namelijk Milk & Honey met elektrische gitaarpartij van Marr en in de fade-out ook nog akoestische partijen.
De andere song, The Doctor, is (nog) niet uitgebracht. Maar hoop doet leven. Johnny Marr: “I worked with him on 'Midnight Vultures', which was the album after 'Mutations', which I loved. I remember when I turned up there were pictures of Prince all over the studio so I was like, ‘OK, this is what we’re doing is it?' The first thing we did was a song called The Doctor which is really good but didn’t come out for some reason. Whenever I see him he always mentions releasing it. I played on a song called Milk & Honey. It was really interesting and he was very gracious, I was grateful to be invited. We talked about doing some gigs together at some point, like having a band, but it hasn’t materialised…… yet!” Zonde.